Shipping Rates & Delivery

How much do I have to pay for shipping?

Note that our fulfillment times and carrier delivery estimates can change based on various factors, such as shipping delays, unexpected technical difficulties, or harsh weather.

 USA  Rate Delivery
0 to 0.99 lb $5.99 *2-5 business days
1 to 1.99 lb $8.99 *2-5 business days
2lb and greater $12.99 *2-5 business days


 Canada Rate Delivery
0 to 0.99 lb $8.99 *7-10 business days
1 to 1.99 lb $10.99 *7-10 business days
2lb and greater $14.99 *7-10 business days


 UK / Other countries Rate Delivery
0 to 0.99 lb


*10-25 business days
1 to 1.99 lb $16.99 *10-25 business days
2lb and greater $18.99 *10-25 business days


Stickers are packed and shipped separately because of packaging dimensions. Please see flat rates for our stickers below:

 Flat Rate for Stickers Rate Delivery
USA $3.99 *2-5 business days
Canada $4.69 *7-10 business days
UK / Other Countries $7.99 *10-25 business days


How long will it take before my order is shipped?

No rush orders. All Totes Manila merchandise are made to order and it takes us 2 to 5 business days to fulfill and ship items. Making products on demand instead of in bulk helps reduce overproduction, so thank you for making thoughtful purchasing decisions!

The tracking info says it was delivered but I did not receive my order?

    In cases like these, we suggest reaching out to the carrier to check proof of delivery and inquire if there are any additional information left by the delivery person. Stolen or missing packages tagged as delivered by the carrier are not covered by our refund and replacement policies.

    Please check our Shipping Policy for additional information.